
We will be closed Monday, January 20.

Returns & Exchanges

We are not currently accepting walk-ins without an appointment.


If you have a problem with an item, e.g. damaged in shipping, craftsmanship, personalization error or you just don't like the item, please contact Customer Service immediately at 866.516.1296 or email to receive return & exchange instructions. We must receive notification prior to any return to prevent unnecessary delays and/or additional shipping charges (restrictions apply to personalized items - see Returns & Exchanges of Personalized Items section below).

Returns & Exchanges of Non-Damaged or Non-Personalized Items

If you are not satisfied with your purchase simply call Customer Service at 866.516.1296 or email to initiate a return or exchange. Customer has ten (10) business days from delivery date to return the items. Some items may incur a 15-25% restocking fee if charged to us by our suppliers. Shipping charges are not refundable. Customer is responsible for all return packing/shipping charges and must insure item for the full purchase price. Orders cancelled after items ship but before items are delivered: Customer will not be credited our actual shipping costs or return costs even if the order qualified for "free shipping" at time of purchase.

These basic requirements must be met to receive a purchase price refund:
(shipping charges and or a 15-25% restocking fee may be applied to some items)

    1. Purchaser name, address and order number must be clearly visible in or on the package

    2. Return must be received by Mainely Urns within (10) ten days of original delivery date

    3. Items returned un-used, in resalable condition

    4. Items returned in original packaging/shipping containers - or equal or better quality as original packaging. Failure to package items adequately and reasonably may result in product damage and negate any credits due.

    5. Item must not have been personalized

    6. In the event that your order qualified for free shipping at the time of purchase, actual shipping charges incurred by Mainely Urns will be deducted from the purchase price credit.
Detailed Return & Exchange Instructions

Please call Customer Service at 866.516.1296 or email to initiate a return or exchange.

Flat Fee Returns: the label cost for a returned item is outlined below. The label cost will be deducted from your return/refund.
$8.95 flat fee label cost - (most urns, jewelry, pet urns)
$18.95 flat fee label cost - (small caskets under 25", most urn vaults)
Larger dimensional items and heavier items like pet/infant caskets (over 25"), adult caskets, granite/bronze markers, large urn vaults, case quantity urns, etc. will be calculated on an order by order basis.

Returns & Exchanges of Damaged/Defective Items

If you receive a damaged or defective item we must be notified within 48 hours of delivery to set up a return or exchange. Call Customer Service at 866.516.1296 or email to initiate a return or exchange. We will replace the item ASAP or set up a return for you. Mainely Urns reserves the right to replace a damaged/defective item and have the damaged/defective item returned to Mainely Urns or our vendor for inspection, at the cost of Mainely Urns.

UPS/FedEx/USPS all require photographs of damaged products AND packaging to facilitate a claims thus we require photographs be set to us of both the packaging and the item.

Returns & Exchanges of Personalized Items

Personalized items can not be returned unless they are defective, damaged or were personalized incorrectly (personalized not in accordance to the approved proof). If you received a personalized item that was damaged, defective, personalized incorrectly or of poor craftsmanship we reserve the right to replace the damaged item.

In the unfortunate event that an order is cancelled after an item has been personalized but before item has been shipped or delivered: Customer will be charged for the item less a courtesy discount. This is an unfortunate circumstance however the policy is in place due to the fact that we personalize most of our items and once they personalized they are unsellable.

Natural Materials

Customers should be aware that many of Mainely Urns' products and cremation urns are made from high quality natural stone, marble and wood and, as with similar products and items sold in other industries, those products and items may contain and/or incorporate naturally occurring variations in color and characteristics. Such items may include natural wood, stone, and/or marble, urns, flag cases, wooden bases, and other products. Any such variations in color and characteristics occurring in these products do not, and shall not, constitute a defect in the quality or appearance of the product, and customers purchasing such items agree and accept such naturally occurring variations. 

Typographical Errors and Third Party

In the event a Mainely Urns product or service is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical error or error in pricing information received from our suppliers, Mainely Urns shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product or service listed at the incorrect price. Mainely Urns shall have the right to refuse or cancel any such orders whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is canceled, Mainely Urns shall issue a credit to your credit card account in the amount of the incorrect price.

Terms and Conditions

The complete set of Mainely Urns Terms and Conditions are explained in detail our our Terms and Conditions page. If you have questions regarding these terms, please contact Customer Service at 866.516.1296 or

Important Notes

If you have a problem with an order or item e.g. damaged in shipping, questions about the item, poor craftsmanship, typographical error or you just don't like it – please contact us immediately so that we can remedy the problem and make our best effort to take care of you. If you are returning an item be sure to contact us first via phone or email. When returning an item include your name, address, phone #, email address and order number so we can process the return quickly and are able to contact you if we have questions.

Customer Service Hours and Contact Information

We are not currently accepting walk-ins without an appointment.

Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Friday - 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Phone calls and emails are sent and received during the hours listed above, however for your convenience, we often attempt to answer emails and phone calls/messages outside of our normal customer service hours.


Toll Free Phone: From inside the US - 866.516.1296

Phone: From Hawaii, Canada and outside the US - 866.516.1296

Fax: From inside the US - 866.516.1296

Mainely Urns Returns and Exchanges Mailing Address

We will provide you with a return/exchange label OR shipping address. We have multiple warehouses and shipping locations so not all returns come back to our Gray, ME location (as they did in the past) and some returns may be send directly to a vendor to keep and relative return/exchange costs as low as possible.

Detailed Return & Exchange Instructions