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Pet Size Memorial Rocks

These pet memorial rocks are cast and molded from actual boulders so they are incredibly lifelike - but inside it they are hollow. Pet size boulders are a bit smaller than our standard size memorial rocks so more appropriate for you

These pet memorial rocks are cast and molded from actual boulders so they are incredibly lifelike - but inside it they are hollow. Pet size boulders are a bit smaller than our standard size memorial rocks so more appropriate for you beloved companion. Constructed of one-inch thick construction-grade GFRC cast stone to resist 9,000 psi of pressure and extreme hot and cold freeze-thaw temperatures. Perfect for a natural outdoor setting, cemetery or garden area.

Our cast rock memorials are available as a cremation memorial with a cremation urn (receptacle for ashes manufactured into the memorial) or as a personal memorial that does not have a receptacle for ashes.

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