Our Pet Rainbow Bridge Black Photo Frame will provide a lasting tribute to your beloved pet. Our beautiful, composite wood pet memorial frame is a wonderful way to celebrate your pet's life and forever cherish their memory.
The Story of Rainbow Bridge
The story tells of a green meadow located "this side of Heaven" (before one enters into it). Rainbow Bridge is both the name of the meadow and an adjoining bridge connecting it to Heaven.
When a pet passes, it transcends to the meadow with its body cured of any illnesses, frailties and/or injuries. The pet frolics with other pets, missing only one thing the love and companionship of its owner, who is still alive on Earth.
Upon the pet owner's death, on their journey toward Heaven they cross the meadow. While doing so, the pet (along with any other pets the owner had while on Earth) spots its owner and runs to greet them. Reunited, the pet(s) and owner cross the Rainbow Bridge together into Heaven, never again to be apart.