The Sand Biodegradable Ocean Paw Prints in the Sand Mini Cremation Urn is a water burial cremation urn that allows families to create a unique, meaningful and participatory ceremony offshore. The urn is produced using sustainable materials to create an attractive and environmentally-friendly alternative. Each urn is hand-crafted by skilled artisans and has real beach sand (or crushed quartz) applied to the outer surface of the urn. This water burial ceremonial urn has holes in the bottom, allowing water to enter quickly so that the urn floats briefly and then gracefully sinks.
Each urn includes a biodegradable bag into which the cremated remains are placed. No glue is required to seal the urn. Simply remove the lid, carefully moisten the inside lip and replace the lid. It will seal itself.
Each urn is shipped in a box with custom protective packaging that provides families with a convenient and discreet option for transportation. The box (and urn) will pass through airport security screenings and can fit in the overhead compartment of most commercial airliners.
When buried in the ground, the urn will biodegrade within three months. Once placed in water, the urn will break down within three days.
- The urn has holes in the bottom to allow water to enter quickly, so that they float only briefly and then gracefully sink when placed into water. The time each urn takes to sink will vary depending on the weight of the cremated remains and local water conditions. Once submerged in water, the urn will break down completely within hours. Federal regulations must be followed when placing the urn at sea (no closer than 3 nautical miles from shore).
- Includes a water-soluble plastic bag (into which the cremated remains MUST be placed) which dissolves on contact with water. This allows the cremated remains to be dispersed quickly and the urn to remain submerged.
Sand and Gelatin Urn Instructions Click here Scattering ashes at sea. The federal Clean Water Act requires that cremated remains be scattered at least three nautical miles from land. If the scattering urn or container will not easily decompose, you must dispose of it separately. The EPA does not permit scattering at beaches or in wading pools by the sea. You must notify the EPA within 30 days of scattering ashes at sea.
The Clean Water Act also governs scattering in inland waters such as rivers, lakes and ponds. For inland water burial, you may be legally required to obtain a permit from the state agency that manages the waterway.
Burial at Sea - Code of Federal Regulations Click here.